Monday, November 7, 2011

Aloha from Hell and Reckoning

Third in the Sandman Slim, I'm loving it. Find myself sad I'm getting to the end. It's like a spaghetti western in hell... and LA, but that's sorta redundant. Nicely gritty without losing it's edge and going all Die Hard explode-y.

Another gritty series for teens that I think it readable for all audiences (you'll just have to add in a heavy sex scene, otherwise it's like her regular sci fi series) Reckoning the latest in the Strange Angels novels. These authors are similar in writing realistic yet fantastic things well. I mean, sure, vampires don't exist, but the fear and the fighting they write about is realistic. Lili the author has a dynamite love triangle going with her characters that blows Team Edward/Team Jacob out of the water. Again, it's Teen, but it's better than lots of adult fiction I read.