Thursday, March 18, 2010

Book that I just "snorted"

Ok, some books I read... some books I devour... then there are the books I snort in lines on a disco mirror with a rolled up hundred dollar bill.

These are not the best books for my mind and soul, but I'm addicted to them. And like most recreational drug users, I have preferred poisons.

Karen Chance is pretty much in the opiate family.

Her world is like Harry Potter after hours: mages, vampires, and fey all knocking around modern time among nonsuspecting muggles. This series focuses on a dhampire who moonlights as a vampire assassin and bounty hunter (her MO is to take the head of a vampire in for questioning... just the head, mind you). She also has fun psychotic episodes where she kills everything in sight whether she meant to or not. And she smokes pot. What's not to love?!

Her other series focuses on a time traveling character and her relationship with a vampire, and that's probably my fave series still, but Dorina is fun... Very droll sense of humor and I love fight scenes and she gets into more of them.


Super Karen said...

I read one of her early books (I forget which one) and found the writing really un-even. While there were moments of inspiration I found other parts terrible. She showed lots of promise, so maybe her more recent books are better.